Tank, Fleet, and User Management

Administration of mobile and stationary tanks, filling stations, vehicles, machines, and user, customise rights and roles. Real-time information of all tank filling and refuelling activities. Automative alerts on unusual activities, tank filling alerts and predictive analyses.

Tank Management - Cipacto Application Platform CAP

Tank, fleet & user management:

Cipacto Application Platform


Seamlessly Integrated Fleet and Tank Monitoring

Introducing the Cipacto Application Platform (CAP), the comprehensive solution that connects tank, fleet, and user monitoring into a single, integrated platform. Designed to inform users about unusual behavior, convert real-time data into predictive insights, and manage permissions with ease, CAP empowers businesses to operate more efficiently and sustainably.

Key Features

Unified Monitoring System
CAP connects and monitors your tanks, fleet, and users in real-time. Gain complete visibility into your operations with a unified dashboard that provides actionable insights and alerts you to any unusual behavior.

Predictive Information
Leverage the power of real-time data to predict future trends and potential issues. Our advanced analytics transform raw data into valuable predictive information, enabling proactive decision-making and reducing downtime.

User Permissions and Roles
Manage user access with a sophisticated rights and roles system. Assign specific permissions to different users or user groups, ensuring that everyone has the appropriate level of access to the information they need.

Multi-Client Support
The Cipacto App is designed to handle multiple clients seamlessly. Whether you’re managing internal operations or overseeing external clients, our platform supports multi-client configurations to suit your needs.

Refuelling and Tank Refilling Insights
Optimize your refueling and tank refilling processes with detailed insights provided by CAP. Monitor fuel levels, usage patterns, and efficiency metrics to ensure optimal performance and cost management.

Real-Time Permissions Management
Adjust user permissions on the fly with our real-time management system. Respond quickly to changing needs and ensure that your team has the right access at the right time.

Multi-Lingual Customization
CAP is designed for global use with full multi-lingual support. Customize the platform to fit the language preferences of your users, ensuring accessibility and ease of use.

Versatile Integration Options

  • Internal Filling Stations: Monitor and manage internal fuel stations with ease.
  • Public Filling Stations: Integrate with public fuel stations for seamless operations.
  • Mobile Tanks: Track and manage mobile tanks to ensure fuel is always where it’s needed.
  • Filtering: Implement advanced filtering to ensure fuel quality and performance.
  • Fuel Cards: Integrate fuel card systems for streamlined transactions and tracking.
  • Third-Party Integration: Connect with third-party systems to enhance functionality and data sharing.
  • Cost Assignment: Assign and track fuel costs accurately across different departments or clients.

Why Choose the Cipacto Application Platform?

CAP is designed to revolutionize the way you manage your fleet and fuel operations. By connecting all aspects of tank and fleet management into a single, powerful platform, we provide the tools you need to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and operate sustainably. Our commitment to innovation and user-centric design makes CAP the ideal choice for businesses looking to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Get Started with CAP

Ready to take control of your fleet and tank monitoring with the Cipacto Application Platform? Contact today to learn more, request a demo, or discuss how CAP can be customized to meet your specific needs. Join the growing number of businesses that trust Cipacto for their fleet management solutions.

CAP Key Benefits

Here are some key information about CAP

Web based

CAP is a web based application for administration and detailed information that provides access wherever you are, at any time.

Permissions and rights

Set and manage administrative and functional permissions on company and on individual level.

Add and manage everything

Via CAP you add and edit users, vehicles and machines or other devices, and tanks to your system.


CAP provides instantaneous information about liquid consumption over time, current filling levels, and consumption by tank, user, device, e.g.


The Analysis section provides in-depth- information concerning all refuelling and tank refilling activities.


Set indvidual tank refilling alerts. Information are sent via e-mail and SMS to assigned recipients. The alert shows in CAP, too.

Ready To Get Started?